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UAE: Supreme Council of Energy launches Dubai Demand Side Management Recognition Programme – World News Network

Ahmed Buti Al Muhairbi, Secretary-General of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, noted that the…

UAE’s Huda Al Matroushi elected Vice President of Asian Modern Pentathlon Confederation – World News Network

The General Assembly of the Asian Modern Pentathlon Confederation (AMPC) elected the new board members…

Prof Mona Maron appointed first Arab rector of an Israeli university – World News Network

A world-renowned researcher in the field of neuroscience and post-trauma, Maron will replace Prof. Gur…

Kristalina Georgieva gets selected as managing director of IMF for second term – World News Network

Kristalina Georgiva was selected as the managing director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the…

Foreign Secy Kwatra reviews advancements in India-US strategic partnership – World News Network

During his visit to Washington, DC, Foreign Secretary had discussions with his counterparts at the…